Five Items I Would be Devastated About if my Dog Ate Them
Author Rachael Caughley / Category People
I've known Izzy since I was about 8 and she remains a great mate, an incredibly loyal CAUGHLEY customer, and just an all round gorgeous girl to be around.
Izzy is Sue's daughter (meet Sue here) and she loves fashion and style just as much as her Mum. She wrote this for our journal and I loved it. It put a smile on my face!
I hope you enjoy it too!
- Rach x
"Earlier this year I brought home my excuse for a real relationship, a black Labrador named Jane. I’ve always wanted a dog and actually, I knew she would be great at getting me out for walks on the beach and drowning me in love whenever I came through the door after work.
For those of you on the fence about getting a dog–there have been moments where I’ve questioned the decision while haemorrhaging cash at the vet, but the unconditional love, cuddles and entertainment far outweighs picking up her s**t. Now I couldn’t imagine life without her.
On the whole, Jane is very well behaved. But we have had casualties. One in particular stands out–while unattended one sunny afternoon, Jane made her way to Mum’s bedroom where her black, cashmere, Wynn Hamlyn jersey was lying over a chair. She pulled it down, and she ate it. It was wrecked. While consoling Mum, I got to thinking about my own closet and the potential damage that could be caused. Herewith, five items that I would be devastated about if Jane ate them..."
My style tends to be understated and so a hair tie is an easy, unexpected way to add a little something special. Because it looks fun and sparkly it’s classed as high risk, and is locked away in my top drawer away from pesky pups.
Level of devastation: irritation.
It's important to me for my ‘at home clothes’ to be on point... almost more so than my regular clothes.
Stateside is such a good brand for this–their sweats are all comfy cuts and cool colours; perfect for pottering around the house in. And in the dire event of having to leave the house there’s no need to change.
Level of devastation: fury
Telling fashion lovers like yourselves why I would be gutted about losing a classic white shirt that is cut to perfection is pointless. I’m sure you would all share my feelings of intense loss and sadness about this one.
Level of devastation: family size can of Pringles.
Again, this is a classic piece that should be in every woman’s wardrobe. If you don’t have one, stop reading this and make that purchase. I’ve learned over my lifetime that you can throw a blazer over anything and leave the house looking chic af.
Level of devastation: tears for sure; a day of binge watching Real Housewives...
This top has taken me from my bed to the boardroom. Unbelievably versatile and sexy on it’s own pared-back way, this piece tops my list of items I would be devastated about if Jane ate them.
Level of devastation: regret over getting dog
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