Conversations with MARS designer and founder; Holly Marbeck


Author Rachael Caughley / Category People  

Rach: Where will you be for Xmas?

I’ll be at Piha beach for Christmas, my mum will be up from Whakatane. We haven’t seen each other for over 3 months because of lockdown so its going to be pretty special!

Rach: Who will you be sharing the day with?!

I’ll be there with my mum and her partner Steve and their dog Ted and then my younger sister and her boyfriend and my brother and his girlfriend who also happens to be one of my best friends! We are all very close so I can’t wait to reunite and spend the day together. I’m doing Christmas with my dad the weekend before so I’m excited to just be in one place and avoid the rushing around.

Rach: What piece of Mars jewellery would you love for Xmas?!

Maybe the Esta ring in gold I love the irregular melty band. It's good for stacking but also looks good on its own, you can’t really go wrong! Oooh but I also love the Vieira earrings they are surprisingly lightweight and I love the way the soft folds reflect the light. Can I have both?

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